Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Burgeoning Passion

“One of the secrets, and pleasures, of cooking is to learn to correct something if it goes awry; and one of the lessons is to grin and bear it if it cannot be fixed.” 
 Julia Child, My Life in France

Ever since I first arrived at college I have become more and more fascinated with the culinary arts. Although I wouldn't say that I particularly did a whole lot of cooking during my time at St. Thomas, I did become entranced by the notion of adding ingredients that seem so insignificant by themselves together to create a finished and delicious product. I have become particularly interested in baking although am starting to branch off more into starters and main courses. My Dad and next door neighbors, the Guse's, can attest to my love of baking any and all types of cookies, bars, cakes, and pies. I even made an apple pie from scratch for my housemates last weekend as none of them had ever had the unique pleasure of eating apple pie (which I took to be a giant travesty and quickly remedied that). 

Yesterday I finished reading my "fun book" (the one I read to mellow out after reading my more serious books for school) My Life in France by Julia Child and as soon as I finished I immediately felt inspired and wanted to get to the kitchen. Though I risk sounding sappy and wistful, I adore Julia Child. Her book is a nostalgic yet straight forward account of her search for her true calling in Paris, France in the 1950's and 60's. She takes you through her lessons at Le Cordon Bleu, her cookery book writing, and her love for La Belle France and her people. You can feel her love for food and entertaining simply ooze out of the pages and I came away thinking, "I wish I could be her!" 
Julia Child
What made me so strongly identify with the book and Child was her philosophy that cooking is not just about eating and becoming full but about creating something beautiful to be shared, enjoyed, and remembered. The process of breaking bread and sharing a meal with others is to savor and appreciate what is put in front of you as well as fostering the creation of everlasting memories. I may be waxing romantic here, but I think there is a lot to this idea. I hold some very powerful memories that are directly linked to meals that I have had with friends and family. I can remember what I ate when I went to Paris for the first time and what I eat for Thanksgiving each year because those events stand out in my life as special ones. I enjoy dissecting what was good or bad about a meal after it is done purely for the fun of letting the meal linger a bit longer in my mind. I am not a glutton and I don't just think about food all day, but I do love talking about the concept of cooking and eating good food. 

Patisserie in Paris

Pizza in Italy

Put simply, cooking mellows me out and is my creative outlet that helps me to get away and take a break from the craziness of day to day life. I sometimes think that if I could just have my own show on the Food Network and become a successful cook book writer that I'd have it made (watch out Ina Garten!) For now, it is something that is becoming more than a hobby; a fascination really, or a passion even. Even if I don't have enough time to cook much more than microwaveable boxed dinners or stir fry (what I live on in Egham), I am still consumed by cooking magazines, blogs, and books. And when I do get time (i.e. apple pie) I'm overcome with a sense of utter relief and bliss. I feel at peace with myself and the world and for that I am so thankful. Everyone needs to escape the crazy now and again and I plan on trying hard to continue pushing myself to expand my culinary expertise. I have a list of assorted meals that I want to try and I think it is high time that I start checking them off of my list.


  1. we are cut from the same cloth dear girl. I was just saying to Kaja that my one true passion may be cooking. my secret dream? a place where I can cook for others to put a smile on their face and have them say, "ah...this tastes like home".

  2. and i can see you doing just that. i will never forget the first time I went through your house in minneapolis and found out that we both share a dream of one day having a double oven! some could say we are food nerds, i say we are amazing.

  3. My favorite thing to do is cook for others, to host dinners so that people can sit back, relax and enjoy. Your Apple pie looks amazing, I will forever struggle with perfecting the top crust.

  4. Miss your cooking/baking! Who is now going to fatten "Robby" up? (and us)
