Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Jubilee Weekend

I realize that I've been quite absent from my blog for a bit now due to an incredibly hectic/exciting last two months. The month of April was devoted utterly to essay writing and after finishing those up I basically then just went straight home for a visit to Fargo for a month. Before that though, I had probably the best thing possible to happen to me, I was interviewed for a PhD place at University College London (UCL) and just hours before my flight home to America I got my acceptance letter. Needless to say, it could not have been better timing! I then proceeded to spend 4 weeks taking a much needed break and just relished in the moment, spending as much time as possible with friends and family. My time at home was so refreshing and fun because I really am blessed to have THE best friends and family in the ND/MN area.

At the Thames Pageant

The Royal Flotilla

Royal Family
That's not all I've been up to though. I've only been back in Egham for two weeks now, but I haven't been idle (not surprising for me, eh?). June 2-5th brought with it the Queen's 60th jubilee celebrations in London and the UK and my friends and I were keen to participate in some way or other. We ended up visiting the capital to watch the London Thames Pageant which was a series of 1,000 boats of all sorts cruising down the Thames, the most spectacular being the royal family's giant yacht. It was gorgeous and we had good enough spots near the south bank across from St. Paul's cathedral to actually see each member of the royal family, including Kate, William, Harry, Charles, and the Queen, of course. It was a rainy, cold day but the patriotic spirit and general good cheer of those around us made it such a unique and wonderful day to be a part of. Though I'm not one to wish America had a monarchy (who does really?) I do appreciate its significance and wonderful tradition within Britain's history and current society, and I for one never want it to go. I also ended up visiting the Globe theatre, my favorite theatre in the whole world, and watched the most English of plays, Henry V.
Festive decor all throughout the city

Buckingham palace

Globe Theatre

To cap off a week of bank holidays and general festivities within England, Nikki and I decided to take a bike ride from our house to Windsor. The town is covered in Union Jacks and the tourists are back in full force. It was a lovely ride through the deer park and we lucked out to have a sunny day (rare at the moment) to enjoy being outside.
Leading up to the castle in Windsor

To all of those who are worried, "but when is she working?" don't fret. I have been steadily plunking away at my research and finding it immensely fruitful. My dissertation is focused on the Pre-Raphaelite journal "The Germ" and I am focusing on the idea of the artist as visionary as well as the journal itself as a visionary. I've already spent many days in the library and my advisor has given me the green light of approval. So basically now all I have to do is get on with it for the next three months! Wish me luck!


  1. Somehow just noticed today via Facebook that you have a blog... I will have to keep following your English adventures :) Sounds like life is going fabulously, I'm so happy for you!!

  2. What a pleasure to be able to spend some time with you during your month at home.
    Of course, the Twins' game was delightful ( am going with Emily tomorrow....she came
    down from Fargo this evening and presently is at her other grandmother's as Kevin's sister, Kim,
    Emily's aunt is here from Reno)
    I had a great time with Max babysitting while Rick and Emily attended a wedding at Macalester's Chapel and reception at the St. Paul Hotel....and enjoyed a short time at Mary's retirement party.

    Grandma Jeane, Mary and I had lunch at Cafe Latte and then shopped at Pottery Barn and Bilelot's on Grand....bought some yard stuff at each place.

    Thanks for sharing the Jubilee pictures....your life is fabulous...envy is written on my face.

    Love you dearly, Addy
