Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Goodbyes of a Colossal Sort

"I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next". ~Gilda Radner

  The month of August has brought forth multiple moments of "growing opportunities" as I like to think of them; I had to face and am currently facing one of the things that I am worst at: saying goodbye. Living in the same town all of my life and then going away to a university that was only 240 miles away afforded me  the luxury of learning how to say "see ya later" rather than goodbye. There also was that safety net of people that moved to college with me and family members that I had the privilege of spending time with once I moved down. It was sad to leave but I knew that it would only be a matter of weeks before I would be home again; this time everything is different. 

I dread goodbyes; I dwell on them for days secretly hoping that I can skirt around them while at the same time longing to express how much each recipient means to me. This week I was forced to say goodbye to my grandfather, a man that I loved more than I can ever express with words. My family and I laid him to rest on Sunday after laughing over stories of our experiences with him while also shedding tears for a man beloved by all who met him. This goodbye is the hardest for me and while I am still getting over it I am immeasurably grateful for getting to be at the funeral to make my last proper goodbye. I was surrounded by people who reminded me that goodbyes are only as bittersweet as you make them and that mine are only temporary. It reminded me of a quote by George Eliot, one of my favorite writers; "Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love". Only after mulling over the different goodbyes that I have made and are about to make do I realize who really matters to me in my life and how much I truly love them. I carry each one you in my heart and I never forget the kindnesses and the memories that are given to me by my loved ones. I am so lucky to have the support that I do and I do not take it lightly; I appreciate everything and everyone that has helped me to find my path in life. 

I want to use this blog to sharemy life with you so that the distance seems smaller and to have you there week by week as I start my adventures. I cannot wait to begin and continue to grow. So for now, I'll be seeing you.